28.03.2011 / RUAIRI GLYNN

28.03.2011 / RUAIRI GLYNN

28.03.2011, 16:00, Ruairi Glynn @ CAAD, HPZ F www.ruairiglynn.co.uk Motive Architecture. Although Vitruvius’s treaties included clocks, waterworks and mobile war machines; architecture is often understood to be an art of space, not of time. Architecture’s traditional role has been the spatial backdrop to social interaction and performance: In the 20th Century, Price’s ‘Fun Palace’, Archigram’s ‘Instant City’, and Fisher’s... Read More

UCL Bartlett Workshop: Lectures by Ruairi Glynn

UCL Bartlett Workshop: Lectures by Ruairi Glynn

“We will talk only about machines with very simple internal structures, too simple in fact to be interesting from the point of view of mechanical or electrical engineering. Interest arises, rather, when we look at these machines or vehicles as if they were animals, in a natural environment. We will be tempted, then, to use psychological language in describing their behavior. And yet we know very well that there is nothing in these vehicles that we have not put there ourselves…“ “…It... Read More

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